Equipment Testing on the SRS
To determine other vendors' subscriber equipment compatibility on the Statewide Radio System (Motorola ASTRO25 VHF trunked), a third-party engineering firm was contracted to perform testing on mobile and portable radios.
The SRS-compatible manufacturers' equipment is listed below along with the results from the testing. Click on the logos for further details. If you are interested in a demonstration of any of these radios, contact the appropriate manufacturer representative. Please call the Public Safety Communications Team if you have questions.
Select the compatible SRS equipment from the manufacturer that best meets your agency’s needs and they will direct you to the corresponding service shop in your area who will handle installations. Please coordinate the details of your equipment/installations with the Public Safety Communications Team.
Manufacturers of SRS-Compatible Radios

Bob Scheiber
Regional Sales Manager

Steve Koch
(Cambridge Group)

Dave Tettamble, LEO

Icom America Inc.

Steve Koch
(Cambridge Group)

Clyde Keith
407.493.4787 (cell)
Service Shops
What is the role of local service shops in relation to the Statewide Radio System?
Your local radio shop is an integral member of the team responsible for deploying SRS/ROC equipment. Many radio shops are dealers in equipment from multiple manufacturers. That means they are authorized to sell, repair, install, and provide maintenance for that brand of equipment. Ask your manufacturer representative which radio shops in your area are authorized to sell their equipment.
The dealer, while coordinating with the Public Safety Communications technical team, is often involved in creating the list of equipment that meets the customer's needs and is compatible with the SRS. This equipment list is then priced using established state or national contracts for equipment, accessories, and services such as installation and programming.
The Public Safety Communications technical team works with your agency representative to plan and determine "talk groups" as part of your communications plan. The radio shop technicians coordinate with the Public Safety Communications technicians to create the new list of "talk groups" and conventional frequencies that need to be programmed in your new equipment. They also configure the ergonomics of the equipment, which includes assigning functions to the buttons and knobs to ensure the equipment performs to the desired features and is user-friendly for each new user.