By State statute, all purchases for SRS equipment and related services for State agencies need to go through the Public Safety Communications Team. In some instances, we may need to work with you in advance to obtain quotes on tested and approved equipment from contracted vendors before your agency begins the procurement process.
Once you have determined the details of your purchase, someone in your agency will need to complete an OT (a type of requisition for communications purchases) in Enterprise One and send it to the OCIO. OT’s are required for inter-agency purchases. Please contact Kelsey C. Hetrick and let her know if you do not have a person in your agency that can fulfill this function.
Items to include on your Order Ticket (OT):
- Your agency administrator approvals
- Name of the buyer at your agency
- Vendor quote (if you have one)
- Details of order to include: model number, quantity, with a brief description of the equipment/service requested
- Total amount of order to place on your behalf
- Rebilling codes—must have Job Code and Work Order numbers
- Shipping destination to include the address and name of facility, contact person, and phone number
- Programming/installation, if required from a third party
- Any other details pertaining to the order
The OCIO Procurement Team will create the PO (purchase order) and send it to the vendor. The equipment/services will be purchased and paid for by the Public Safety Communications Team on your behalf. Then, we will rebill your agency using the Job Code and Work Order specified on the OT. Equipment valued over $1,500 will have fixed asset tags assigned by the OCIO, which your agency will be responsible for applying to the assets and scanning annually.
The invoice will be sent to the Public Safety Communications Team from the vendor. A team member will notify the contact person from your agency to verify that the equipment has been received and all related services have been completed. Your agency will be required to provide either signed and dated packing slips or an email verifying that the order is complete to your satisfaction. The purchase information will show up on your agency’s monthly IMS IBT along with a copy of the invoice. Contact Kelsey C. Hetrick with questions.