*1 to 5 Business days for Procurement review and analysis; customer should specify dollar value, and if their will be future need for this same service.
Up to 21 business days, dependent on complexity of order. Terms and conditions will relate to the contract used to pay for services * PO’s will be created from contract as invoices received.
Up to 6 months: dependent on complexity of request; State Purchasing Bureau (SPB) processed.
Master Service Agreement (MSA): Used for multiple service requests with same vendor, must be unrelated engagements, under $50K.
Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA): needed only at Leadership or Management Discretion.
*1 to 5 Business days for Procurement review and analysis;
Up to 21 business days, dependent on complexity of order. Terms and conditions will relate to the contract used to pay for services.
Up to 6 months: dependent on complexity of request; State Purchasing Bureau (SPB) processed.