Registration Open Now

Thursday, September 27, 2018
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Southeast Community College
8800 O St., Lincoln, NE

In the modern business world, we rely on technology for everything – at home, in school and at the workplace. While we conveniently make payments, social connections and gather news and information through the Internet, it is difficult to stay abreast of all the changes and the potential risks we are presented with each time we use the Internet. We are all “virtual neighbors” in cyberspace, and what we do, or don’t do, can affect many others.

The Nebraska Cyber Security Conference was started in 2005, to raise awareness of cyber security in the local community. Students, local business representatives and public employees attend each year to learn about cyber security. If we do our part individually, we can have a positive impact collectively on our state’s cyber security.

This will be valuable time, learning from skilled industry experts. The day will be filled with a variety of breakout sessions that will encompass different areas of information security and technology. More information about the speakers and breakout sessions will be updated and provided below as the date of the conference gets closer. To cover the cost of the building, equipment, event staff, breakfast and lunch, a payment of $119 is required to attend. Payment will be processed at registration.


We are currently looking for Sponsors! If you are interested in sponsoring the event, or if you would like general information, please contact Chris Hobbs at, or by calling 402-471-3677


Sponsors Information


Online Registration for 2018 Nebraska Cyber Security Conference

Produced in partnership with State of Nebraska Office of the CIO and Southeast Community College.

Sate of Nebraska: OCIO & SCC