Office of the CIO
Innovation in Technology

We value our clients and their needs.
Respect for the taxpayers of the State of Nebraska
We value our clients and their needs.
Respect for the taxpayers of the State of Nebraska
Respect for the Taxpayers of the State of Nebraska
Aspire: High aspirations for self and others
Respect: Build mutual respect among and across teams
Create: Innovate ways to provide solutions for our customer
Serve: Exceptional service to our customer
By providing affordable, high-quality services, the Office of the CIO allows customers to focus on their core business rather than technology deployment.
Pillars we stand upon to ensure our clients receive the best service we can deliver.
The Office of the Chief Information Officer was created to assure a coordinated, efficient, and cost-effective approach is taken on an enterprise level for the deployment of technology by the Nebraska State Government. The Office of the CIO provides a wide range of technology services to state agencies, boards, and commissions, as well as political subdivisions. As the State continues to explore shared services, we have eliminated the duplication of several IT expenditures and services, lowered costs through enterprise purchases and agreements, and provided more efficient and effective ways to expand access to government services.